
Showing posts from 2020

The 80-20 principle or the Pareto Principal

                  THE 80-20 PRINCIPLE                                    or               THE PARETO'S PRINCIPLE   In this book "The 80-20 principle" the author discusses about a life changing observation done by Vilfredo Pareto that's why also known as "Pareto's principle" which states that the universe is unbalanced and our all the efforts do not produces the same result and most of the times only our 20 percent of the efforts produces 80 percent of the results . So we can become more productive by analyzing those 20 percents so that we can do more efforts to those 20 percent only and can achieve more in less efforts .  In this book author discusses about a life changing principle which applies on every aspect of our life and business as well ,"The ...

The 80-20 principle or the Pareto Principal

                  THE 80-20 PRINCIPLE                                    or               THE PARETO'S PRINCIPLE   In this book "The 80-20 principle" the author discusses about a life changing observation done by Vilfredo Pareto that's why also known as "Pareto's principle" which states that the universe is unbalanced and our all the efforts do not produces the same result and most of the times only our 20 percent of the efforts produces 80 percent of the results . So we can become more productive by analyzing those 20 percents so that we can do more efforts to those 20 percent only and can achieve more in less efforts .  In this book author discusses about a life changing principle which applies on every aspect of our life and business as well ,"The ...

The 7 Most Effective Habits continued

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People In continuation to the previous post now we will discuss all the 7 habits in detail so that you can grasp them easily and can apply to your life and become a leader of your life. Being proactive means taking charge of your life into your hand , means you and only you are responsible for the actions and reactions in your life no one other will be. Most of the times we come across such situations where we overreacts because of our reactive nature and sometimes we may get a big loss due to this nature . The difference between  reactive people and a proactive people is that :- A reactive person first takes action and then think whereas a proactive person first thinks about his action and then react. A reactive persons control is not in his hand anyone can make his mood on or off , whereas the proactive person have their control in their hand and no one can change his mood accordingly.   A reacti...

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Peoples - by Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People                                     " Life is a beautiful journey of miles " surely it has hurdles (problems) , Obstacles , high's and low's , up's and  down's , happiness and sadness , but these all in a pack makes life more beautiful , enjoyable and interesting to live . With any of the element  missing we can not thought of life because life become monotonous and boring with any one of them missing whether the problems or the achievements. There is no meaning of success without failure , the joy of success can't be imagine without failure because failure is an integral part of life likewise problems are the integral part of life which make life more flexible and adventurous. So in the book "The 7 Habits of Highly effective peoples" , the author shares some of  the strategies or habits that you must adopt in your life to m...